Monday, October 17, 2011


Wordle2 by LisaA0590
Wordle2, a photo by LisaA0590 on Flickr.

This is the link to my new Wordle I've created based on the text from this blog since it's creation in September! You can also view it in my Flickr photo stream at the bottom of this blog. It's cool how it turned out since it automatically generates something similar to a tag cloud, but out of my text rather than information I have tagged in my blog. You can compare it to my actual tag cloud which can be found near the top of my blog on the right side of the page. It's also animated so it's extra cool!

I also like how it has made some words larger and others smaller depending on how frequently I have used them. You can really see what's on my mind when I'm blogging! I think it would be great if everyone had one of these so readers could tell what topics were on the blog so they would know if they had come to the right place for what they are looking for.  Happy viewing!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Ales 204 strikes again! This week we were asked to register for a Delicious account, you can view mine here. These accounts are interesting, since you can add "tags" to links that you like and share them with others through the tags.  All someone has to do is search your tag and they can find websites and such that others have added on their accounts.

I have added two links one to Human Ecology Review and one to Science Journalism Perspectives.  Both of these links are interesting to me, the first because I am in Human Ecology and thus interested in what is going on in the field and the second because of the pure interest in science and focusing on making it understandable rather than keeping with the technical jargon of the discipline.