Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blogs that are of Interest to Me!

In our ALES 204 class, I have had the pleasure of reading and commenting on several of my classmates blogs.  I find them quite interesting and useful in that fact that I can easily learn more about people in my class and find people in my program that I may not have known before. One such example can be found here on Paula's blog.  The second blog I commented on was Nick's Blog, here I found a good amount of information about him and information on his online presence. I found this great blog done by Kate and have commented on her Wikipedia Article blog post, you can check it out too by clicking here.  Here's another great blog post done by Linda. She is a Human Ecology major and is really interested in nutrition; you can check her blog out here.  Naomi also has a very well written and developed blog. She is a nutrition major and has found the social media we use to be quite useful already.

Our ALES class is a very diverse group ranging from nutrition majors to land reclamation majors.  It has been very interesting reading about my fellow classmates and where their interests lie.  I especially learned a lot from the Wikipedia articles everyone had to contribute to a few weeks ago.  You can check out these articles by clicking on the links above!  


  1. What a great blog, Lisa!

    I didn't know much about the John Howard Society, your Wikipedia assignment was really informative and well done.

    Thanks for the shout out!

  2. I feel the same thing when read others' blogs though which we can know much more about them and may find people who have the same interests.
